Why make us part of your business team?
What sets our firm apart from other attorneys who practice in the same areas?
Dogged Tenacity-We bring to the practice of law the same dogged tenacity that the owner of the firm, Steven H. Wilhelm, used in order to achieve ranking in the top two in the world in his sporting events prior to entering into the practice of law. This same drive and determination referenced is used and applied to secure the best possible results for our clients.
Our approach is passionate on our client’s behalf, yet rational through the use of the power of positive mental attitude towards achieving the best possible result in what is often times some of the most negative factual settings that a client will have to deal with in the client’s entire lifetime.
Awareness and Corresponding Preparation – We bring into our representation an awareness from many years of experience (going on 39, presently) that there is always someone else out there smarter, faster, quicker, more articulate, better at arguing, or more dogged and/or more tenacious than you are, and we use an approach that demands the kind of preparation to meet and deal with that exact opponent on each and every assignment.
We provide a customized representation at pricing that our competition, whether they be big firms, middle size firms or small firms, cannot match.
What are any possible weaknesses?
Perhaps we, as a firm, do not take enough personal time off from our work.